I will always put your health and well being first
I will work within the Code of Ethics as laid down by The National Council for Hypnotherapy Code of Ethics http://www.hypnotherapists.org.uk/about-nch/code-of-ethics/
I will work with you to design the treatment programme
I will use therapies that have been tried, tested and approved.
I will not attempt to treat you for conditions for which I have not been trained
I will, if necessary, assist you by referring you on to a more expert or specialised practitioner
I will agree the total umber of sessions needed as part of the plan ( remember this potentially works faster than other treatments in many cases)
I will maintain records securely and respect your requirements for confidentiality.
I have now made the formal registration under the Data Protection Act and reproduce the entry here . Please note this is the Information Commissioners standard entry and gives options to disperse information to a wider range of people and organisations than would ever be relevant for this type of information. The very precis'd version is that the person concerned may request access to information held about them and certain legal bodies ( Police, Health Authorities, , health professionals involved with a clients treatment) can require /request disclosure, Beyond that disclosure to others such as businesses would not be granted.