Email: (copy and paste this link otherwise spellcheck messes it up)
Phone +44 01341 242703ca
Mobile 07504829551 ( Rural location means limited service so land line is best)
My primary qualification is the Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma, this is the gold standard in hypnotherapy and conforms to the standards required by stautory authorities
I have certificates from Central England College in the following:-
Solution focussed Counselling skills
Solution focussed Hypno-psychotherapy
NLP professional coaching
Eriksonian Hypnosis
Cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy
I have now completed a course on Anorexia, Bulimia and OCD ( Obssessive compulsive disorder) with world leading expert Dr David Kato. and have achieved Diploma status in those areas.
I also now have NLP Professional Coaching Practitioner status.
These qualifications meet or ecxceed the National Occupational Standards
Nov 2014 I have completed the Mindfulness Teacher Training Course and am working towards the C.E.C. MindfulnessNow accreditation I am now running a pilot course before making it available to a wider audience ( April 2015 )
I am a licentiate member of the Association for Professional Hypnosis and Psychotherapy
I am also a member of the National Council for Hypnotherapy
I also have :-
Training skills level 3 Agored Cymru
ILM ( Institute of Leadership Management.) Level 3 Certificate in Team leading
I am also trained in facilitation and project planning. Substance awareness, , Measuring Soft Outcomes, Supervision, Building resilience in Young People, Motivating and Engaging NEET's, Engaging Hard To Reach Citizens, Skills for handling Conflict, Business and Strategic Planning,Preparing Sustainable Funding Strategies, Understanding Health and Social Care Structures, Child Poverty alleviate measures, Welsh.
Past experience:-
Community Development:- managing Welsh Government Communities First programme in a North Wales Town (7 years)
Cambrian News :- compiling community news for a north Wales town ( 12 years)
I have also owned and jointly owned a retail business and Restaurant ( 16 years)
I worked in Retail fashion for large fashion companies and ran a training branch developing new managers joining the company. ( 10 years)
I worked for Social services in the midlands working with disturbed and displaced young people.